Healthcare in Panama is Good
Magda Crespo No Comments

Panama health care services are the best in Latin America. Most health issues can be addressed and treated in Panama.  Panama City has excellent hospitals with state of the art equipment, highly trained physicians and staff who speak English. Panama City hospitals may be an option for those who find certain testing and equipment are not available within the Chiriqui area.

David has two private hospitals, Mae Lewis and Hospital Chiriqui. Both are staffed with doctors in all areas of specialized care.

Mae Lewis Hospital has an emergency department with ambulance service and an expert team of nurses and doctors for critical care.  The laboratory at Mae Lewis has diagnostic lab services that provide, blood work, x-rays as well as other medical diagnostic equipment. It is the smaller of the two private hospitals with ten beds.

Hospital Chiriqui is the largest hospital in the area. This hospital is currently expanding and adding on new wings to keep up with the demand of more doctors, rooms and services. There are over 100 doctors on staff at Hospital Chiriqui with ever expanding specialized care.  The room choices for Hospital Chiriqui include suites, junior suites, private rooms, semi-private with two beds and four bed rooms. All are clean and modern with cable television and air conditioning. In addition, Hospital Chiriqui has an emergency department with ambulance services as well as an intensive care unit with state of the art equipment.

Most people who can afford it like the services, doctors and staff at the private hospitals over the Social Security Hospital. Wait times at the private hospitals are far less and the attention given to patients is their top priority.

If you have medical insurance that is covered in Panama, these two hospitals will accept your insurance. Depending on the policy of your insurance company, you may need to have prior approval for certain surgeries and procedures.

Doctors’ visits at these hospitals are expected to be paid at the time of the visit and in cash. The doctor’s staff will fill out paperwork for you, for your insurance reimbursement when necessary.

Since Chiriqui is rapidly growing, both the private hospitals are determined to provide the best possible health care for Chiriqui with the latest technology in equipment for surgeries and diagnostic testing. In addition, they are recruiting the best doctors in Panama to work in Chiriqui.

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