Panama is Ready for 2016 to be a Fantastic Year
Magda Crespo No Comments

The facts are out. Panama is closing out 2015 with an increase in growth by 6%. This far out does any other Latin American country. Compared to the United States with a 1.5% growth for 2015, Panama is booming.

The projected outlook for 2016 for Panama has the growth rate set at 6.2%. Largely some of this will be due to projects involving the expansion of the new bridge crossing the canal, the new Metro line # 2 and the insurgence of money to get Colon revived.

In addition for Chiriqui it is expected that many jobs will be created in the construction industry with plans continuing for the new Federal Mall, work on smaller hospitals in the area and new housing developments.

Remember that Panama is considered the happiest country in the world. With the great expectations for Panama’s New Year, Panamanians should continue to be very happy in 2016.