What You Need to Know About Health Coverage in Panama
Magda Crespo No Comments

There is a large discrepancy between fact and fiction regarding the subject of the price of health care and health coverage in Panama through insurance.

The fact is that Panama is cheaper than other countries for health care services, however rising costs have affected Panama and the costs associated with health coverage.

Since health insurance may be one of the biggest items in your budget, it should be on your investigative list before you move here.

The process for obtaining and receiving health insurance in Panama is different than what you are used to.

First if you elect not to get any insurance you will have to pay out of pocket, usually cash and upfront in any surgery situation. Emergencies may require the same depending on the hospital. While you may think that for most elective surgeries you will return to your home country, many emergency surgeries will have to be done here. Some surgeries and stays in hospitals can run into thousands without insurance.

Second if you elect to apply for health insurance there is a process you must go through. The first part of the initial questioning is to determine your age. All insurances have age restrictions, meaning that if you are over a certain age you cannot get insurance. The second part of the process will be that the insurance company will ask for health records, surgery records, blood tests, medications lists and any other pertinent things for them to consider your risks. Once they have thoroughly gone over your medical history, they can and often will give you a policy with pre existing medical problems being excluded from coverage. Some of these exclusions can be permanent others may have a waiting period.

Panama offers several different health insurance policies with differing copays and coverage items. It is important to look at your situation and determine what is best for you.

The easiest way to make sense of health insurance providers and their coverages in Panama is to consult a health insurance broker and expert who can easily assess your basic needs and pair them up with insurances which might be a good fit for you.  Health insurance brokers are on top of current health care coverage trends and changes.

Therefore it makes sense to use their knowledge to present you with the best policies that Panama can offer for your situation.